Waco Theatrical Alliance
Welcome to the
Waco Theatrical Alliance!
​​The Waco Theatrical Alliance is a central hub for theatre in Waco, bringing together local theatre companies to support and promote the arts community. Find auditions, performances, classes, and more, as we work together to elevate Waco's theatre scene.
KEY: BUT= Baylor University Theatre, BT= Brazos Theatre, FCT= Farcast Theatre, MCC= McLennan Community College Theatre, MWJ= Mission Waco's Jubilee Theatre, PAC- Performing Arts Community Center, PYT= Prosper Youth Theatre, RTC= Real Theatre Company, SHT= Silent House Theatre Company, WCT= Waco Civic Theatre, WI= Wild Imaginings, YFS= Young Festival Stage
Note: The Master Calendar might not be fully up to date or accurate, for the most accurate information, please refer to each of the pages on the site (auditions, shows, classes, etc.)
Find upcoming audition opportunities for theatre productions across Waco.
View the upcoming theatre camps in Waco.
Explore the latest theatre performances happening in Waco.
Take a look at the great theatrical workshops you can register for.
Discover a variety of theatre classes for all ages and skill levels.
Browse open theatre job listings for directors, staff, stagehands, and more.
Who Are We?
The Waco Theatrical Alliance is your go-to hub for everything theatre in the Waco, Texas area. We are a collaboration of local theatre companies, united in the belief that we’re stronger together. Whether you’re an actor looking for your next audition, a director seeking new opportunities, or simply a theatre lover wanting to know what shows are happening this weekend, you’ve come to the right place!
Discover audition postings, upcoming performances, theatre classes, camps, and more—all in one spot. Together, we’re lifting the arts scene in Waco to new heights. A rising tide lifts all ships, and with the Waco Theatrical Alliance, we’re making waves in the world of performance!